
Hello Everyone! Welcome To Elite Beauty 2 Home Page! My Name is Krystle EVA Harris and I am excited to be starting Elite Beauty 2. The original blog I had was Elite Beauty located on the Blogger Site; however I have been experiencing some MAJOR problems with my layout and posts so I had no choice but to look for a new site to display my beautiful BLOG that I Love So much. I really love blogging because it’s something I can call my own and I have complete control over it. And the best thing of all is that I get to share so much information with my readers =). So I hope you all enjoy my Blog and I hope that it benefits you in some way.

 I have been Natural for 2 months now and I'm Loving It! One of the Best decisions I have made. I was somewhat nervous to do a BC but I worked up enough boldness to just go ahead and get my mom to cut my hair off. I'm proud to see that my hair is growing and can't wait to see what else is in store throughout this Natural Hair Journey

Elite Beauty 2

Elite Beauty 2 is a creation of Natural Elite Beauty. The blog was created to inform individuals of All Things Beautiful and Natural by providing information about Natural Hair as well as Beauty Makeup. Promoting Positive Energy and serving as a place of comfort for all readers to drift into a zone of Peace and Happiness.

The Blog offers something for every reader, whether it is Natural Hair Information, Makeup Tutorials, or Positive Energy. Elite EVA Strongly believes that the more positive an individual is the more negativity they push out of their life. She believes that everyone should "Believe deep down that they are destined to do great things in life", achieve goals, and work towards Success in Life.